Bamboo Womens Clothing
Our Bamboo womens clothing
So ladies, when it comes to fashion what are we looking for? Comfort but somehow still stylish? Sexy yet still flattering? Well our From Zion Bamboo womens clothing is for you!
Our unique blend of bamboo and spandex in our womens clothing provides the ultimate in comfort and if you have ever tried any of our products you will know this. Maybe this is why 75% of our customers are return customers because they just keep coming back for more. We believe our Bamboo material is so comfortable that this terminology has been included in our mission statement and lead to our new hastag at the launch of our Valiant Collection; #unparalleledcomfort
Yes that's right, we want you to experience unparalleled comfort! It one of our most comfy and also our best sellers every season would be our staple harems which can easily be dressed up with some heels or keep it simple with ugg boots for those lazy days around the house. You can have comfort and style together.
Our designs are all unique and are done in house. Ben personally hand creates the patterns and designs to ensure From Zion products stand out from everyone else. Quite often I walk down the street and easily pick out our products in a crowd.
Whilst style and comfort are important when it comes to our fashion, it's also good to think about the impact on the earth. Where does the fabric come from? What is the impact on the environment? What chemicals are used in the print? Well to put your mind at ease, our items are made from organically grown bamboo (certified by ecocert) and have also been tested and certified to contain no harmful substances. This means eliminating chemicals going back into the waterways during the growing stages of the bamboo and also protects the farmers from exposure to harmful substances.
At FromZion we have your fashion covered from comfort to fashion, and even the environmental implications of what you are wearing.